Dancing into the wild, divine feminine and beyond.......

May 14, 2024

As a woman raised to conform to a structural lifestyle, I had forgotten the magic of flow and rhythm. In fact, even to this day, I am still having to make an effort to remember the wildness within me as the ‘structural’ default, supersedes my inner feminine rhythm. It is when I connect with other women who reveal the true courage it takes to let go and break free from the chains of our cultural expectations, I know I am home.

Once a month I dance, move, flow under the full moon in a space where other women who feel their inner magik, show up also. We show up to ourselves, but also for the collective divine feminine. We stomp, shake, celebrate chaos, move intimately with our bodies, feel ecstatic energy running through our veins and it reminds me what the true meaning of being a woman really is..

From birth I have banged up against the somewhat perceived walls of my womanhood feeling inherently imprisoned by adhering to the societal duties bestowed upon me. I have tried to express my sexuality, my sensuality, I have tried to embrace my body and my chaos, yet I never felt free enough to act on that desire in the environment I lived in. As such, in the past, my expressions have felt clunky and shameful and have come out in all sorts of ways that weren’t ideal.

Our beautiful facilitator at the full moon dance shared that she felt the reason we women are able to ‘release ourselves’ with no inhibitions in these women’s gatherings is because, the space is set up with the intention to lovingly hold all of our expressions. So, as we sway, cry, scream, embrace our bodies in the dirty earth of our Mother Gaia, we are totally and completely received. It is in this space where the Mother’s arms span so wide that no matter how deep the expression, she is there to receive it ALL. Through vivid vision, I remember who I am.

There are times in life where I want to look polished, in control of all my emotions, competent, strong and composed and then there are times where I just want to throw my hands up in the air and say, FUCK EVERYTHING, I AM WILD!!! I want to scream to the world that I cannot be tamed, and chaos is every bit a part of the power I possess in being a woman. So, my inner work at the moment is to not judge one of those parts of me as good or bad but to bring the parts together in a sacred inner communion. To identify the separateness and integrate.

After the full moon dances, we sit around a fire and share words which almost always resonate with the collective on some level. In the sharing I am reminded that again we have moved away from the ancient art of sharing stories, wisdom and words. In fact this art form has almost been judged in an interesting way as if sharing is for “loud mouths” or attention seekers. Perhaps maybe this is the untransformed version of the sacred art of sharing.

Perhaps this is the shadow side that so many of us women are enthusiastically transmuting at present. I feel driven on this path, so we can all go back/forward to the pure engineering and design of being a wild, soft, chaotic, wholehearted, womb loving woman.

Could I be so bold as to say that I feel we need a collective feminine, throat chakra cleansing so that the wise words of the woman can flow through all the mouths and bodies of the wild ones who to dare to share her ancient stories?

With Love,


* This blog was first published on Claire's substack.

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