
May 13, 2024

One of the beautiful things about working with our creative director / videographer Stef Hanson is that she takes the time to get to know you and what you need to 'perform' for the camera. For me, a classic wall flower, it's plenty of chatter before we get started, then laughs - often at my own expense - to get me to stop taking myself too seriously. I don't in real life (anymore), but once the camera is on I become captain awkward.

As we started our filming for this course we soon learned that what had worked for me on my own in previous projects, wasn't going to work for Claire and I together. The energy was different, there were moments where I wasn't talking but I was still on camera - enter captain awkward! It took us a while to warm up and find our flow. I simply didn't know how to be 'present' for my friend who was talking when a camera was pointed directly at me.

In the video above you'll see what happens when Stef suggests a prop to help me relax when Claire is speaking to camera.... 

When I watch this blooper, I laugh, hysterically. It has reminded me of one of the beautiful things about where I am in my life - I don't take myself too seriously! I find pure joy in the moments where I do something so ridiculous that I have my friends crying with laughter. What a gift that is! This moment broke the back of captain awkward and we were good to go for the rest of filming. Hesitating on this last sentence, as no doubt Stef has more glorious bloopers coming our way!

Here's my take away - laugh at yourself when you mess up, it's way more fun than being captain awkward. And, find your tribe, the ones who, no matter how many times you don't quite get it right, are willing to laugh along with you.

TheĀ Art and Science of Transformation

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